Finishing Touches


It’s just turned 4am and I decided there is no point in just laying here I might as well be productive and write an update to the renovations of the unit while waiting for the sun to rise so I can go for my jog.

After all the excitement of the last events and the Lord’s mighty hand of provision we once again faced another challenge with the corner pantry cabinet. Caddy our Masters consultant had told me there was a little trick with the bottom shelf. Three quarters of the way up there was a fixed shelf which meant there was room to put in the top shelves once the cabinet had been completed but because the shelves were so big the bottom one needed to be put in before the cabinet was attached to the wall. I had totally forgotten this tip and of course Glenn had attached the cabinets to the wall and the others beside it so there was no way we could lift it off the floor to slide in the bottom shelf! How were we going to get it in? After a few days Glenn asked, where was I going to put the rubbish bin? Oh! I hadn’t thought about that. He then suggested he cut the bottom pantry shelf, which meant it would now fit in, the space would also be an ideal place to put a bin or as Lorna suggested a stacking rack for onions, potatoes etc. Thank you Glenn what a brilliant idea to overcome our latest challenge.

21-d-mike-doing-celingsDuring this time Glenn was doing at least five other jobs which meant my little reno was last on the list of priorities. This didn’t worry me to much as I also needed to get some other thing organised. Slowly things come together. The tradies came back to finish the cornices, the finishing touches of the north window both externally laying the bricks and the internal plastering. The back door and window area from the old laundry were bricked up with all the rescued bricks I had cleaned. The old chipped and half ones had been used first before the better whole bricks. I was amazed that they hadn’t counted how many they needed first as there ended up being over fifteen left.

In my previous update Facing New Challenges, I mentioned how Glenn had returned several nights to complete the kitchen cabinets and benchtop which he did a wonderful job with. I was going to get a cabinet maker in to install the cabinets and put on the benchtop but Glenn had reassured me he could do it cheaper so I gave him the go ahead which I’m glad I did as unbeknown to me the Lord had different plans for the unit which would leave me short of the rental income I was planning on.

23-b-painting-door-framesThe electrician had done his bit now it was time to start painting and to order the splashback. My painter was a semi-retired rather particular guy who was very old school and proud of his work. This was just the kind of guy I wanted to do the job. For seven days (not including the weekend) Charlie either picked me up or met me at the unit between 7:30 and 8am. Kathy was home during this time which was of course the perfect timing of the Lord. She had her car but she also kept mum occupied while I was busy, taking her to the pool which is Kath’s therapy. Mum being a swimmer loves the water although these days it’s mostly just a bounce in the warm water.

Charlie taught me a lot about preparation and paint work. The preparation is the tedious time consumer. I was Charlies apprentice so did most of this work. First we put down the drop sheets, then I went around all the walls filling holes and plaster chips with wall putty, sanding and sweeping them before ran blue tape around all the skirting boards, door jams, power-points and light switches to prevent paint splashes. Charlie ascended the trellises to work on the cornices. He explained that the cornices were done first, then the ceilings and finally the walls before finishing by varnishing the wooden skirting boards. Working from the top down meant that if there was any paint drips or splashes they could be cleaned up before painting the walls.

24-b-mitch-fixing-bathroom-for-washing-machine-wasteAfter taping up the rooms I helped Charlie with some brush work. He painted under the cornices while I painted above the skirting boards. Charlie then rolled the paint on the walls while I was puttied the damaged walls. It didn’t take Charlie long before he had finished the bedrooms and began working on the ceilings which was a major challenge. They were, in places very water damaged which had caused blistering and peeling. As he chipped away the old paint it continued to peel which didn’t help. Not only this but when the oil based paint was applied to help prevent further peeling it began to blister. Fortunately all the bubbles later disappeared and we were able to putty up the indentations. This ceiling really has been a challenge. It not only sagged and bowed in various places it was patchy and water damaged. Glenn has suggested replacing it but that not only was a cost I couldn’t afford it would also mean years of dust, grime and insulation bats and mess to clean up.

Where the walls had been taken down Glenn had patched up and nailed portions of the original ceiling to the supporting beams but in the lounge area is still sagged badly but there was nothing we could do about it. I was quite amazed once the whole lot had been painted, which was the last paint job to get done, it didn’t look to bad.

26-a-after-moving-inThere was of course other challenges along the way. Glenn hadn’t finished putting the kitchen cabinets up. To make things easier for painting we asked Glenn to hold back on finishing the cabinet above the fridge and to hold back on the dusty work of sawing panels until all the bedroom walls were finished. This also meant we did the kitchen walls before the cornices and ceiling, not at all in the right order. Once all the painting was done we call Glenn back to put in the skirting boards so we could varnish them.

As things proceeded I began to see what the end result would look like. The new colour, a very faint blue grey, made things look fresh, bright and clean in comparison to the old yellow walls. It really did make an amazing difference especially with the same colour in gloss for the doors and architraves. I was delighted with the new look. The old yellow doors were difficult to paint as in places the paint didn’t take and in other places it too blistered. Working with Charlie I realised how much the previous painter cut corners. Charlie insisted on taking all the door handles and catches off before painting which was tedious but well worth the effort.

26-d-floor-finished-for-vinylTuesday 6th September we thought was our last day of painting and varnishing but once again we struck another challenge. The windowsills that faced both west and east were so badly sun damaged and the eastern one also water damaged from leaking window seals, that they both needed a second and a third coat. Charlie came back Thursday afternoon to finish these and for the last touch up of the painters finishing work. We had a little joke that all the traidies said if there was a blemish or something that needed patching up ‘leave it for the painter he will make it beautiful’ and it was true. Charlie had pride in his work and finished things beautifully right down to ‘No More Gaps’ putty to fill all the holes and cracks.

Friday 9th September the splashback arrived. Well most of it! One small window panel was to short! A week later another tradesman returned to complete the job.

Once the paining was painting and varnishing was completed, Glenn was able to returned, he fitted the kickboards and finish off the kitchen floors ready for the vinyl.

11-c-water-fallIt was during this time my relationship with mum was becoming very strained. There were so many little skirmishes and some heated arguments I thought it best for me to move into the unit. This discussion didn’t come lightly, there was much prayer and consideration before the final move. Mum’s memory is deteriorating and after a conference on dementia and learning that getting upset doesn’t help the memory I thought living under the same roof was not the best thing for either of us. Kathy had flown to Broome for a holiday with Jen before returning to work and I was flat out with things at the unit still which didn’t help.

On Monday 5th of September I started taking some of my small things by boxes to the unit. I had let the church know that I needs some basic household goods and had been contacted by a member who was moving. He had a sofa bed and old fridge which he was giving away and could drop them at my place which was only 15mins away. He later offered to help me move some of my things with his trailer. I jumped at the offer and on Friday the 9th we loaded up a bed which I borrowed from mum’s, as well as a large desk I had found beside the road and stored in her shed. That night was my first in my not yet completed new home.

I had suggested that I continue to come back and cook dinner for us both, which was my opportunity to put out her medication for the following morning. Mum was quite tearful at my leaving, she loves having me over night but things were getting too strained. She understood but my leaving was hard for both of us.

Saturday I returned to take mum out to a concert put on by Bethanie Home by clients with dementia. It was a fun day of old songs which we sang along to. The following weekend we went to the King’s Park Flower Festival and walked along the many pathways a blaze with spring blooms.

73-demencia-concert-with-mum-sep-16Since moving out we have been able to appreciate each other more will less friction and struggles. Mum often calls me during the day, I often call in for lunch as well as dinner before returning to my own little home.

On Wednesday 15th September my vinyl was being laid at midday or so they said. Nezka and I were about 15mins away at Masters returning some of the left over, over ordered kitchen pieces when I received a call to say they would be there in 10mins. I hadn’t yet received my refund nor finished my shopping for the extra things I needed. They had a 15% closing down sale on and I wanted to take this opportunity to get a few items. I had a trolley with a few items in, which was put aside for when I returned. I then took off and made it back in 15mins just before they arrived. Nezka and I took the remaining things outside to empty the room. Praise God it was a clear day! The previous night I had scrapped all the lumps and bumps off the floor including the foam which had come off the carpet underlay. I had vacuumed and cleaned it as best I could so there was not much preparation for the tradies. They filled in some of the holes and then rolled out the vinyl. Nezka and I were watching from outside through the sliding door. Then there were words of exclamation (not to be repeated), I asked what the problem was. They vinyl had been cut 30mm to short! Should I have expected anything else! They rolled it up and stored it in my lounge promising to return with a new roll next week as it would take a week to reorder. Oh well another delay, what was new?

I 74-kings-park-festivalthen raced back to Masters. By this time my trolley of goods had been emptied, fortunately only into the bins to be returned to the shelves. Some items were the last on the shelf so I was glad I found them. I then continued my shop, picking up a few more bargains needed for both house and garden.

Friday morning the splashback was finished and looked great. I then collected Nezka for a trip to the tip recycle store and two second hand shops to grab a few more bargains. A bedside table with three drawers (I had been using a cardboard box) some plates, bowls, cups and knickknacks to make a place feel home. I had also been blessed by Lorna who bought me so many little things needed in the kitchen including an old microwave. It was rather funny when we both struggled to put it into the cabinet above the oven. I held it while she plugged it in. We then noticed that the digital clock wasn’t lighting up so we tested the power point. I worked so why wasn’t the microwave working. Plugging it in again I pressed a button and it whirled into action. Oh! Exclaimed Lorna. I forgot the light doesn’t work that is why her daughter had given it away! Mum’s old neighbours gave me a jug, toaster and large screen TV. I wasn’t going to get myself a TV but if it’s offered who can refuse!

27-a-things-given-bought-and-foundThe Saturday after moving in, my friend Grace had brought all my possessions stored in her she. Two enormous chests as well as a car full of other boxes. All these had to be stored in the master bedroom (I sleep in the smaller bedroom out the back as it’s a quieter room). I didn’t want to unpack or put things into the cupboards till I had lined them all with the old vinyl which I cut into size and scrubbed clean before fitting them in all the kitchen, linen and bathroom shelves. I was still waiting for the kitchen cabinets to be finished and handles attached. Glenn promised he would be back to do the finishing touches on Monday 19th.

My elder sister, Trish and her husband Trevor came around the first Sunday I’d moved in. She had a beautiful pink orchid as a house warming gift. Trevor is a builder and was interested in seeing what I had done.

On Saturday 1st October I am holding a house dedication or house warming. If you are in Perth and free please come up and join me. If you are interested just send me a message and I’ll forward you my address.

Photos: 1. Pink orchid, house warming gift from my elder sister.    2. Tradie fixing the cornices where the old wall was taken out.    3. Charlie painting the architraves    4. Mitch working on the plumbing under the bathroom vanity    5. Moved in with splashback partly finished and an unfinished kitchen    6. Kitchen floor finally finished ready for vinyl     7.  My water feature during a down storm    8. Bethanie Concert   9. Kings Park Festival flowers    10. Things give, found or bought for my new home

Prayer & Praise Points:
Praise the Lord for His abundant provision, blessings, patience and guidance through these past weeks of change and challenges.

Praise Him for all those who have given to help make this little house a home. For their generosity and labours of love.

Praise the Lord for all my supportive friends and prayer partners as I have sought the Lord for His leading and guidance in this decision to move into my own place. I really do appreciate you all.

Please pray for Mum as she adjusts to me not being around all the time. For her to find things that she can do and reconnect with her summer acquaintances.

Please continue to praise the Lord for His protection, provision and Mum’s and my general good health.

Thank you for your continual prayers for Mum especially with accepting some of the things that come with age especially with the loss of memory. She is finding this very challenging and is often feeling down because of it.

Please also continue to pray she stays safe on the road.