New Church Home
In my last blog I mentioned attending a new church. Just up the road from mum’s place there is a Baptist Church. I have passed it many times and thought it might be nice to pop in for a service. …
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A New Chapter
In my last blog I mentioned attending a new church. Just up the road from mum’s place there is a Baptist Church. I have passed it many times and thought it might be nice to pop in for a service. …
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This week has very much been a mum week. We went out shopping for a bar fridge so that our new boarder will have somewhere to keep her perishables as mum’s fridge isn’t very big. It will also ensure mum…
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Can you believe it I’m still working on things at the unit! I have shovelled the last pile of sand out of the garden area and have been tidying up after the paving. The pavers that were no longer needed…
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Wow! Things are really moving along! I can’t believe its 2015 already and we are nearly half way through the month! Well, OK that’s a slight exaggeration, but it certainly feels that way because I feel I have done so…
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