Author Archive: sallyforth-sojourner

A sojourner of no fix abode. (Psalms 119:19 I am a sojourner in the earth.) Having travel from a very early age I have come to enjoy the adventure of seeing new lands and meeting interesting people. I have learnt much from these travels and made many lasting friendships. I pray that my latter days will be of significance, assisting where I can and offering my skills and talents where needed.

Short Change

On the night I posted the last update there was a large stage and ginormous speakers being set up under our balcony, we were found out it is the 21st birthday of the landlady’s nephew.  Hmmm this is a good night to…
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This week started quietly.  As quietly as I could make it without getting bored of nursing my back!  I didn’t go out to the village ministry with the team as the road there was full of potholes and I thought…
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Cambodia, having not long come out of years of war and turmoil is struggling to keep up with the speed of development here.  Most of Phnom Phen now has bitumen roads but are still very dusty, and beside the roads…
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