Author Archive: sallyforth-sojourner

A sojourner of no fix abode. (Psalms 119:19 I am a sojourner in the earth.) Having travel from a very early age I have come to enjoy the adventure of seeing new lands and meeting interesting people. I have learnt much from these travels and made many lasting friendships. I pray that my latter days will be of significance, assisting where I can and offering my skills and talents where needed.

Phang Nga

Before leaving Chiang Mai I asked around to see if there was someone who might be able to take me and my luggage to the airport on Thursday16th July. It seemed all the drivers were off to the mountains to collect…
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Death and Life

This week has been very interesting.  It started quite normally with church on Sunday at the Nacorn Poeng Church which was planted and built by Fay and her hill tribe members. It was a lovely morning which started with prayer…
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