Author Archive: sallyforth-sojourner

A sojourner of no fix abode. (Psalms 119:19 I am a sojourner in the earth.) Having travel from a very early age I have come to enjoy the adventure of seeing new lands and meeting interesting people. I have learnt much from these travels and made many lasting friendships. I pray that my latter days will be of significance, assisting where I can and offering my skills and talents where needed.


For a small fee, I was taken to the Penang International Airport by the woman who owned the guesthouse where we were staying.  I had time at the airport for a coffee and a chat with several people flying to…
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Just before leaving Ayer Tawer I went with Dr Wong to have my teeth cleaned.  Cheaper here than in Perth that is for sure and I had missed out getting them done in Thailand as I had planned.  This wonderful…
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