Author Archive: sallyforth-sojourner

A sojourner of no fix abode. (Psalms 119:19 I am a sojourner in the earth.) Having travel from a very early age I have come to enjoy the adventure of seeing new lands and meeting interesting people. I have learnt much from these travels and made many lasting friendships. I pray that my latter days will be of significance, assisting where I can and offering my skills and talents where needed.

A New Year Dawns

January the first!  New year resolutions? Not for me.  I prefer to leave disappointments, regrets and old dreams behind me and take a leap of faith into an optimistic future, with a fresh new canvas stretching out before me on…
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Christmas 2015!

Saturday was a time at home catching up with work and washing but by 8am the power was off.  Although there are frequent power failures, not many people in Uganda can afford generators or sola power backup, another reason many…
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I left off last time with the pending 10 year celebration at Wakisa Ministries. Saturday had finally arrived! Last minute arrangements were hurriedly put into place as guests started to arrive. It was truly an amazing day. Overcast and no…
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