Author Archive: sallyforth-sojourner

A sojourner of no fix abode. (Psalms 119:19 I am a sojourner in the earth.) Having travel from a very early age I have come to enjoy the adventure of seeing new lands and meeting interesting people. I have learnt much from these travels and made many lasting friendships. I pray that my latter days will be of significance, assisting where I can and offering my skills and talents where needed.


Janice and I woke just before 4am on Wednesday morning.  She wanted to head north back to Newman early as its around 12 hours drive.  She had been up late the previous night packing her car in preparation for her…
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Enticing Weather

What wonderful weather we have been having, rainy days interspersed with warm sunny ones.  Perfect weather to entice you into the garden or to start a new outdoor project.  Both of which I accomplished. Unfortunately this month started with a…
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