Wow I could not believe the unfolding saga at TAFE! An ignominious failure of the system as far as I’m concerned. In September last year I emailed asking which course would best help my needs; to learn how to improve my skills for operating our community garden website. I received some replies which I felt weren’t really clear so asked if someone could call me to discuss my options and explain the courses. No one called. In the end I took a leap of faith and just applied for one that was suggested although I didn’t know whether or not it was the right one. My thought was I could continue to wait for a reply and if need be change course when I got to TAFE. I saw an email on the acceptance form so decided I’d email and ask once again if this was the right course for me. Still no reply. I later found out the email was the head of IT at the Perth campus not Joondalup where I was enrolled.
Week ONE: My first day at TAFE I attended two classes which were quite interesting but still no indication if I was in the course I wanted. The first class was one of three ‘languages’ used on the internet, called Python. It was very interesting although I was thinking HTML or Java Script, which I’ve been using already, would have been more useful for me. On our first break I talked to the head of IT here at Joondalup, who seemed to say, just see how it goes. The second lesson, Monday afternoon, the projector didn’t work so the teacher asked us questions about computer parts. I wasn’t the only one who didn’t have all the answers. But I was the only one who put my hand up to say I wasn’t on WiFi at home.
On my second full day I was right out of my depth! Firstly we introduced ourselves and what we hoped to do with what we were learning. I was the first to speak and addressed the class by saying “Today it is age before beauty.” Everyone laughed as I was by far the oldest in the room. I then told them why I was doing the course which should have triggered some concern with the teacher. The previous day we learned a web code called Python; in this class we were learning another web language called C#++. We learnt things like ID (not what you and I would typically associate ID with) it was short for Integrated Design! The teacher soon began to explain some homework she wanted us to do next time we were online gaming. WHAT! I told her I didn’t game. Later one of the students laughed with me saying he thought the class was going to organise a lynch mob. I must have sounded very archaic. The rest of the lesson I had no idea what they were talking about so started typing out notes on my tablet which I had brought with me from home. This got me in trouble because the lecturer thought I was doing my own thing instead of using the TAFE computers to learn and follow her instructions. I explained that I had tried to follow her but she was going too fast. As I turned away from her screen, which was projected onto the whiteboard in front of the class, to look at my identical screen in front of me so I could follow along, she had moved on and I missed her next move. Choking back tears, I realised it was all too much for me. My teacher said I should stick it out for at least three weeks before I make any decisions. I told her I’d made up my mind. Before the beginning of the next class I went to find the head of the department again to say I wasn’t coping, it wasn’t what I wanted to learn. He asked me what I wanted to learn and once again I explained. Oh he said, yes, you are in the wrong course. I had signed up for Web Programming which is used for gaming, I should be doing Web Development at the Perth campus. He then said he would contact Perth Campus to see if there was a position for me but told me this was a very popular course and he didn’t have much hope for a vacant spot. Thanks! I could have enrolled in this course right at the beginning if I had known! And now I’d be a week behind if they were able to take me.
I went to the afternoon course just to see if I was interested. NO! Definitely not especially as the lecturer was saying I’d need a good understanding in maths, which I don’t! I was definitely in the wrong course, so I excused myself and left early.
After talking it through with some of my friends and praying for the Lord’s leading and then sleeping on it, my mind was definitely made up. I would return to TAFE and withdraw from this course and trust the Lord that I would be accepted into the Web Development course at the Perth campus.
So on Wednesday, after dropping Gayle at the airport, I left a message for the head of IT that I would be withdrawing from this course. He was at another campus so I was asked to send him an email, which I later did, explaining I was still interested in doing the course he suggested at Perth TAFE but part time. I then went to admin where I officially withdrew giving a lengthy reason why.
While I was still on the TAFE campus I decided to see if I could find some of my pervious lecturers from horticulture. I thought I remembered the head of horticulture’s room but as I popped into the ladies, there she was. She was delighted to see me. I later returned to her room where we had a long chat. She said I had and was an inspiration to many and often came up in conversation, especially when she was trying to encourage mature aged students to continue with their studies. How lovely. The Lord truly knows when we need reassurance, encouragement and a kind word. I also met up with one of the lecturers who said I could sit in on his class any day, his students were so quiet and needed someone like me to brighten the class.
From here I visited Monica, who had been in our horticulture class. She had been employed by Dawson’s nursery not far from TAFE. We had a lovely chat before I headed home for my late lunch. I was relieved I no longer had the stress of trying to know what on earth everyone in my classes were talking about.
It was such a delight not to have to rush off to TAFE on Thursday morning. I slept well so was out the door just as it got light, to jog, then down the beach for a quick dip before I began a busy yet more relaxed day. After chores around the house and garden I knuckled down to the task of answering TAFE emails regarding my refund. I had received an email stating the amount of my refund for the course and wasn’t impressed that I wasn’t getting 100% back on my fees as I had done all that I could to try to get into the right course. I called TAFE admin and, praise the Lord, spoke to the woman who had helped me the day before so knew my whole story. It was suggested I send admin a copy of all the emails correspondence to and from TAFE regarding my inquiries into the appropriate course to suit my needs. That evening I received a reply saying that a decision has been made that the best course for me would be the web development course at Perth TAFE. They were waiting for the Head of the IT Program from Perth Campus (whose email address, unbeknown to me, was who’s email was on the bottom of the registration acceptance form and who had not replied back to my email) to give approval for my enrolment before they could process the change. I was delighted and hopeful.
That afternoon I received a message to say I was to pay a further $2.50 to top up what was left from the money they had refunded. Praise the Lord for His favour both financially and being able to transfer to the course I wanted to do in the first place. I then emailed the head of IT at Perth TAFE to ask if I could do part time starting with one class on Monday morning and one Wednesday afternoon as well as an online module which I can do in my free time. I then received an email from the online teacher with that week’s work which I immediately logged into and completed. I was so relieved it was material I already knew about; IP, trademarks, copyrights and the like which I’d used when running my own business. Unfortunately I was unable to access the other two classes which meant I went blind to class that following Monday. Later I heard from one of the young interns at church that a friend had seen me in his class at Joondalup and said I was a real inspiration.
Week TWO: On Monday morning I was off again, this time into the city by bus and train, leaving early so that I knew how long it would take and where to go. I was pleasantly surprised to see Mim, who had been one of my Gardening Basics participants at ShareIn, church, and was now a member of our community garden. She was also going into the city by bus and train to do a course. It was lovely having someone to chat to.
On arriving at Perth Station I asked for directions to Northbridge where the TAFE is situated. I thought I had manoeuvred the underground passages correctly then punched in my destination into Google Maps and headed off in what I thought was the right direction, north. Being in the CBD with tall buildings my navigation was not working well and I ended up going south which surprised me as I’m usually quite good with directions. Mind you it was an overcast day so I was unsure where north was! Mum said you can never get lost in Perth as long as you know where west was; head in that direction you will eventually hit the ocean and then you would know where you were. Anyway I stopped and asked someone who redirected me towards TAFE. Praise the Lord I still had plenty of time.
On arriving at TAFE, I found my way to my classroom just so I knew where I would go later. I then found the Student Support Office and Bob who I asked directions from to find the head of IT. Bob mentioned that he was there to support people with learning disabilities. “Oh that’s me”, I said and rattled off my diagnosis. He then agreed to accompany me and left me with the man I was looking for. We discussed my situation and about doing the course part-time and what classes I wanted to do. He suggested I start with the Monday class then come and see him about a timetable. He also said the topics I wanted to cover with WordPress wouldn’t not be till the diploma level which I would probably reach in six years if I continued doing it part time. We laughed. I then returned to the classroom and made myself comfortable at one of the computer tables. (which I later changed as not only did I get a ricked neck but I had to keep turning to see the front where the lecturer showed her slides).
I kind of enjoyed the class (much more so than the previous week). Once again I had trouble signing in to the TAFE online programs. This time I was told I needed to use my student ID and another code which didn’t need a symbol or a capital letter, just a short phrase; my previous password hadn’t worked as it was too short! Praise God I now had something that worked every time! When the morning class ended we were told that the lesson would continue that afternoon so make sure we weren’t late. What! I was only going to do the morning class! I spoke to the lecturer who suggested I stay all day Monday and not to bother about the Wednesday class. She also said she would let the IT coordinator know. By the end of the next two hour lesson my brain felt fried! So much new information! I had found my class Interesting but challenging. I’d learnt how to write html and css code which are the basic building blocks to construct webpages. HTML is what I’ve already been using so it was familiar.
During that second week not only did I continue with my online class on IP, ethics and privacy policies, I also got stuck into revising and rereading all the work we had covered over the 4 hours on Monday. Unfortunately it was the wrong subject although very similar. I tried to repeat the lessons at home but got totally stuck because I couldn’t find the things we had covered. My work didn’t look like the webpage I had done in class. I contacted my web designer friend in Sydney, Grace, who also happens to be a TAFE IT teacher, and although she helped me with a few things, my page still wasn’t looking like it should. I even tried copying from the class assignment but couldn’t work out where I was going wrong. The lecturer wasn’t much help either. I had emailed her and was told to watch the online video. I’m not good at learning from videos, I’d rather read and look at examples so I gave up. Back in class my teacher looked at my work and said I needed to change the html file to match the css file. Was that it! No explanation of where it needed changing, no extra help? No, and this week we were moving on to learn about IMAGES. No revision or answering questions we might have. I did try again the following week after downloaded the correct lesson and although I got a small improvement it still wasn’t totally correct.
Week THREE: The third Monday wasn’t much better than the previous one as I was still behind, struggling to understand GRIDS plus, again, there was no revision. This week was about IMAGES and a whole lot of new information! I felt my brain about to burn out! At the end of the class after going through the two assignments that were due in the first week of March, I spoke to the teacher about my struggles, informing her I would not be doing the assignments as I didn’t need a certificate and it all sounded like gobble goop to me. She recommended I try to do them as it would help my learning and challenge me in different areas. Hmmm I’m not sure I need the extra challenges, this class alone was a challenge!
During that week I tried to get ahead of things but still struggled to find what I needed. I contacted Grace who suggested I apply for student learning support which is offered for student with learning disabilities. Praise the Lord I had met Bob who had already suggested I apply if I was finding things difficult. My problem was that I wasn’t ever officially diagnosed with dyslexia and even though my GP had tested me for ADHD, she wasn’t able to officially diagnose me.
You can imagine how my sleep suffered during this time. I just couldn’t switch my brain off. Yes, its true lots of new pathways were being formed in my brain but I just couldn’t close the gate on the stampede of thoughts! I do hope the neuroplasticity activities are going to improve my memory but at the moment it just seems to be a jumble of weird coding.
By the fourth week I was getting the hang of things although I had to ask my lecturer why the Photoshop program I had logged into on my computer was not the same as the one we used at TAFE. She took a look at my screen and groaned. I think she is running out of patience with me. She then logged me into another platform which had the right program. What a relief. Now with the same screen and having typed out all the information at home for me to follow step-by-step how to use it, I felt more confident. Once again I was being told by my lecturer that my problem was that I was writing everything down instead of watching what she was going through on the overhead. That’s easy enough to say if you can remember all that she has said and shown! I did try, but this was also the reason I needed to go over it all at home. I did try to keep my eyes on her as she demonstrated and only wrote some basic notes which were not in the overheads.
This Monday we went through two lessons as the following Monday is a public holiday. Praise the Lord. I would have more time to work through all that we had learnt plus hopefully complete all my assignments.
During the last week of February I also asked for help from the Students Disability Centre. An appointment was made although I didn’t have any official diagnosis for any disability as I refused to pay an exuberant fee for a psychiatrist to diagnose me. After much prayer, I decided I would still attend the appointment. It didn’t start very positively with my interviewer saying without the official diagnosis forms I wouldn’t be able to get the help I needed. Then things changed when he said if my doctor could fill out the TAFE form to say I had mental health issues such as anxiety, depression which affected my sleep then help would be available. Praise the Lord. That was an easier requirement to fulfil. So back for another appointment early next month after a visit to my lovely GP.
On top of all this the new friendly relationship with my neighbour, Matt, has come under attack. He was told by his landlady, Linda, not to allow me into his garden or to water his plants. It was her property and she didn’t want me looking after the plants (which I had planted and was now watering once a week). Matt was to let her know if I continued to do so. Linda, who is also our unit manager, and who used to be a friend, has for many years now taken a disliking to me. She is very strong willed and hot-headed and definitely doesn’t like when I take a different stance to her on matters relating to our units. She by the way has bought four out of the twelve units after winning a lottery. When Matt spoke to me he was quite gruff but I have come to realise this is just his way. I was furious at Linda as she had no right to tell Matt I wasn’t able to help him. His hose didn’t reach the top of his block but mine did. I understood where he was coming from and later apologised for causing a problem between him and Linda and promised to respect his wishes. He too apologised for speaking to me gruffly and has since offered me some coffee grinds which I’ve been saving to prepare a spot for the bananas at the bottom of our shared driveway in the unit parking area. I’m now praying for Linda, that one day she too will come around just like Matt did.
Later that week Matt told me Linda was going away and suggested I water his garden when she was not around. If I was asked why I was doing it, not to let on that he had given me permission. That week he also had his two big palms along the verge outside his place removed. Some of the other trees were severely lopped which removed much of his privacy. He wasn’t very happy and was going to ask if Linda could replace the palms with other trees. I reassured him that the trees that were there would eventually grow back and as long as he kept them hedged they would bush out again.
With TAFE only on Monday mornings I was delighted to be back on the barista at church on Tuesday mornings with the team. God is so gracious! On coming back, Mia informed me she was going away in March and had wondered who would step in to replace her. Chris was also pleased as it meant when she was away he was able to work on the machine again instead of delivering the coffees.
I was also back teaching Gardening Basics at ShareIn on Friday mornings. I had decided this would be the last time as repeating the same thing meant that there were not so many wanting to do the class. On the third week, Zelda approached me with a request which unfortunately I was unable to help with, but we have both worked voluntarily on WordPress websites for not for profit organisations, so realised we both knew how to do different things online. We could help each other learn new things to help both our websites run better. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes of this new partnership of imparting knowledge.
The last few days of February I was flat out trying to complete so many things before the end of the month. I was working on two websites; putting up this blog and post the community garden newsletter update. Both needed proof reading and loading onto their respective websites. The newsletter also needed confirmation of dates for events in March and May, this only came through at our committee meeting on the Thursday evening when we also voted Mim to be our new president. I was also behind with all the TAFE work which had piling up since Monday! Eeeekkk! Praise the Lord, all bar the TAFE work, was accomplished before Friday night. I was so grateful to the Lord for the public holiday which meant no TAFE on Monday. I now had another week to tackle the accumulation of revision, homework and assignments which were due the first week of March.
Photos: 1. . Barleria obtuse 2. Python script 3. Moringa sapling given to me by my GP 4. My first fig but I think it wasn’t pollinated and never matured 5. Learning how to adjust images for the web 6. What my assignment is supposed to look like! 7. My beautiful Monstera Swiss Cheese plant
Prayer & Praise Points:
I praise the Lord for the lovely weather we have been having. Cool mornings and warm days. Please pray for rain so that my neighbour’s garden will not die since I have had to stop watering it. Pray also for Linda that she will eventually come around to accepting me.
Please continue to pray for Gayle’s health as she plans to return to Perth soon for more tests. Pray that they will be arranged for a date before I leave in May so she is able to stay with me and for available cheap flights.
Please pray for me as I continue with the challenging workload at TAFE. Pray that I am able to grasp the information being taught and to retain the knowledge needed to assist me with Web Development.
Continue to pray for the world. For peace in the Middle East, Ukraine and Russia, and all countries dealing with major disasters, wars and the unbelievable hardships they cause. Pray for all those caught up in the suffering these events have caused. Pray that God’s peace may be known by all people especially for those who live with despair, that they will find hope in Christ Jesus.
Please keep my sisters, Tricia, Jen and Kat, in your prayers. Pray that they will come to know the love of Jesus.
THANKYOU God that you are so persistent. TAFE seems to be very unhelpful. Another case of elder abuse. So glad that you can now help on Tuesdays and at Share In.
hahah yes, that’s what I should call it. LOL Although I’ve heard others have had similar challenges. But as we know the Lord works all things for good for those who love Him and now I’m able to help out at church Tuesdays and Friday 🙂
Well Sally – after reading off your hassles I am so grateful when doing Uni work and then post graduate work in the 1960s, computers and all that goes with them (especially online stuff) were at least 20 years off. They have since fully invaded our lives and I really wonder whether we are a happier people as a consequence. They do open many doors but also expose us to all sorts of things negative. I am sure they will not be featured in Heaven.
Anyway, how good so many deemed you as an inspiration along that bumpy road just travelled – and indeed you are.
Oops – ”off” should read ”of” in that first line.